Friday, August 8, 2008

Sometimes I wonder how I could have raised...

such a sweet boy. Hunter always wants to make sure he is kind and loving to everyone. He has such a tender heart that he worries if he hurt someone's feelings. Lately, I have been finding him saying quick prayers. At first I could never catch what he was whispering. After being more attentive to my little guy, I heard his prayers, "Heavenly Father, I am sorry if I did something bad" or "Heavenly Father, I will try to be nicer to Kadan" or "Heavenly Father, bless that 'so-n-so' will feel better today." Tonight while I was getting the kids ready for bed I asked Hunter why he prayed so much. He said, "Mom, sometimes I get a sick feeling in my stomach and I know that I need to pray to do better or to help someone. After I am done praying, I feel bette."

I was speechless, for I was asking him in order to tell him that maybe he could just say a couple big prayers per day instead of saying dozens throughout the day. Maybe my intent was to make sure that he could fit in better with his classmates or maybe it was because I just did not understand that such a young boy could be so close to the Spirit. But, I do know now -- what a amazing thing that a 9 year-old boy can have such a significant relationship with Heavenly Father that he can pray throughout the day, without equivocation. I learn so much from him. I am so thankful that I am a better mom because I have a son like Hunter.


Stacie and Family said...

That is so sweet Jen! It is that kind of relationship with Heavenly Father that will help Hunter hold to the rod throughout his life -- that is what came to my mind as I was reading your post. It brought tears to my eyes. That is awesome.

NatalieHemingway said...

We love Hunter so much! We already miss his tenderness around here. What a great example you must have been to him.

The Amayesings said...

Amen, amen, and amen on his sweetness and closeness to Heavenly Father! Thanks for sharing that!

James Myers said...

I was just wondering if there was a way to email a Hunter-hug? We miss Hunter (and the whole family) at church on Sundays. I still remember Hunter telling me that I should be at church on Sundays. I thought that he didn't really understand the situation. Now I start to realize that it was more that I didn't understand the situation. Thank you for Hunter.

Jen B. said...

Jim, I would love to get an email for him -- I will keep you posted. Do you guys have a blog? I would love to let you know what we are up to and let Hunter see what you are up to also. Miss you!