Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Mom, I know what these are...

these are for your eyes." Cucumber for your eyes -- Addy is totally up on the natural facials. I just giggled when she put them on her eyes and had to take a picture.
She is so fun to talk to. She is learning so much at school -- she is queen of diagonals and is learning to read. Just now we had a conversation that was totally cute. Here goes:
Mom, I have lots of new friends at school. I have a new Zach and a new Jake. But I want to be with my old friends too. I miss Gavin and Zach. I want to go back and be with them for a Google days. That's a long, long time, you know. Then I want to go to Tia's so I can make cookies. She makes yummy cookies.
Then another day:
Mom, I am amazing. I can do everything. I can even zip up everything -- jackets and, um, bags. I am so amazing.

1 comment:

The Amayesings said...

She is amazing! Just like her mom!!! Old Zach misses Addy and wants me to drive to her house and pick her and the others up and bring them to play with him. If only...