Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

in MARCH! Oh the joys of living in Detroit. The day I left to go to Arizona for ATSU graduation, I awoke to the beautiful white surprise. Over 12 inches of snow! Hunter claims that it is because Kadan and he wore their pj's inside out. Why you might ask? Well, let me share how the idea went down.

On Tuesday, Hunter came bounding inside after school with a very important message for me. With excitement he told me that Mrs. Gaigalas said the if he wore his PJ's inside out that there would be a snow day. Within seconds, Kadan was in on the plotting. Both of them would wear them so that "it just had to happen." They dreamed of endless days of sleeping in, watching TV and playing video games all day long. After a few minutes, Kadan resolved that he was going to wear them this way for the rest of the school year so he could stay home until summer. But, the wise older brother stepped in weighing the pros and cons of endless snow and endless playtime. With a little reasonable coaxing from Hunter, they both decided that the trick could only be used once a year since they would miss their friends and their teachers.

Well, it was definitely an easy "get the children to bed" night. They even asked if it was bedtime yet in order to not miss the window of opportunity to start the snow falling. The next morning brought great joy -- after peaking out the window Hunter woke up the kids with the announcement "I just knew it! Look at all that snow."
*you can even see their inside out PJ's in the pictures -- he, he!

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