Thursday, July 30, 2009

The beauty of prayer....

Monday we had a family home evening lesson on saying personal prayers (I thought that this would help to encourage my rowdy kids to be a little more reverent and a little more spiritual). So, I printed out an little chart allowing them to "X" off each day this week if they said a personal prayer. Kadan (Mr competitive) was the first and after he disappeared for a few minutes up to him room he came downstairs beaming that he said a personal prayer. Then Kadan helped Bo say her prayers and Addy skipped to a private spot to say hers. Last was Hunter -- the contemplative one. After a little while he came to me and said,

"Mom, guess what. You can really feel the Holy Ghost when you say personal prayers. It makes you feel so good inside."


The Amayesings said...

Those are the moments you get to give yourself a little pat on the back!! You're awesome.

Courtney said...

Jen, nice to catch up with you guys on your blog! Send me your email, since I lost computer died and I lost all my contacts!! I've been thinking a lot about you..I drive by your old street here everyday (since Connor is in summer school at the Parks and Rec building)! How are YOU doing???? email me!!