Monday, February 23, 2009

I vow that today is the last day of my...

complete and utter laziness when it comes to my exercise program (well there is not an actual program in place yet, but I vow that I will not sit on my rump and not exercise for almost a year again). I am letting you all know so that you will keep me on the right track. How you might ask? Well, let me tell ya.
  • When I see the leftover b-day cake sitting on the kitchen counter just calling my name, I vow that I will not finish off the whole pan just because I LOVE homemade cakes.
  • I vow that I WILL get dressed and take a shower every day. I will even try to put on a little makeup and will NOT walk the kids to school in my PJs.
  • I will exercise at least once (now if I set my goals low then I will be able to accomplish them right?) a week so that someday, somewhere I will be able to run 3 miles straight and say "that was a great short run, let's climb Camelback Mountain now."
  • Barring all pregnancies and additional thyroid issues, I vow that my current weight will be the heaviest I will be EVER again.
  • I vow that NOT be obsessed about my clothing size or how much I weigh on the scales (even though being a size 6 again would be awesome) as long as I eat right and exercise. It's more important to feel good than to look good anyway, right?
  • And last, but definitely NOT least, I vow to get to bed before 1am every morning. I will even try to get to sleep before 11pm because early to bed and early to rise makes me healthy... and wise AND less grumpy!!!!

So, who's with me? Wanna check up on each other once and a while to see if we are treating ourselves and our bodies right?


Anonymous said...

Oh! I am sooooooo in on this with you! :)
I just started running again too- and let me just say- I hate it! :) But I will never be a size 6 again unless I run my bum off! :)

The Amayesings said...

Count me in! My one friend (yes, still the one friend), Holly and I are trading sitting so we can work out. Now if only the kids would stop with the illnesses already so we can get it right!!!

You should check out my friend's blog. It's "amalgam" on my list. She's doing something similar. Very inspiring.

mechan said...

No matter how much I try to eat right and exercise I will have the extra weight due to my Lymph edema in my leg but i will be your cheer leader on the side lines