Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I just sat down for a long night of grading and found this...

What an awesome surprise! This little note melted my heart. How did he know the exact place in my large black notebook in which I was working or even have a clue that in this tattered notebook is where I go nightly to keep my grades? I just love this little guy -- he always gives me little surprises.

(BTW -- all these F's do not mean the grade for the students. It meant that they turned in a particular assignment -- I'm not that mean of a grader)


The Amayesings said...

I was worried that the students all hacked you off with their slacking ways!

What a sweetie-pie Kadan is. Kids are so intuitive and know just how to make things great, don't they?

Tulip Girl said...

Don't you just adore love notes?

Broc and Kendra said...

That is so cute and funny. I totally didn't even notice the f's until you said something!