Groupies. A few months ago we were lucky enough to be in town for the 10 year reunion concert of Before Braille (my Bro's band). It made me feel like a young 20 year-old again -- getting ready at 10 pm to go out for the night 'til at least 2 am. Now, after a "late night out" I plop down on my bed around 10ish, barely able to brush my teeth due to absolute fatigue. I remember heading out the the concerts with my big fat prego belly and could feel Hunter kick like crazy to the music. Now, I have a beautiful jelly roll that (as Bo would say) is fat and fluffy that flops around with the slightest movement. Boy-OBoy do times ever change.
This time Hunter, Harrison (Kadan crashed and we could not wake him) and I loaded into the Yukon (a definite mommy car) XL (extended length to hold even more kids) and drove to Tempe. When we arrived we were treated like celebrates -- free CDs, buttons, stickers and then snuck backstage to hang out in the "holding room." Can I just say -- "How Totally RAD!?!"
We had a wonderful time head bangin' to the music as Dave rocked out with the mic or guitar. I must admit that I have ALWAYS loved to watch Dave perform -- he is totally and completely crazy -- body slams, airborn splits, etc. etc. Tonight, 10 years later, the intensity was the same while he entertained us with our favorites like "Good Night Quite Noise" and "Proventel." Dave even dedicated "Good Night Quite Noise" to his 3 awesome nephews.